Thursday, September 11, 2008

Twins just not doing what we asked...

Well today was a crazy long day. First we had our 3D/4D ultrasound appointment scheduled this morning at my doctor's office. My mom drove down for the day and also helped pay for the ultrasound. So we all got there paid and then 10 minutes later the office manager of the Dr. office calls me back and tells me the Tech isn't coming into work now. What kind of crap is that? I just paid a lot of money to do this today. And first of all if we cancel are appointments within 24hours they charge us $25 cancellation fee, but if they cancel on us last minute we aren't compensated, argh. So I was mad, they scheduled us for 2pm and said we would have til 3pm. So we get there at 2 and they don't take us back until 2:30 and then the twins wouldnt do anything but show us their packages. In fact on the video we caught baby B peeking his head between his brother's legs. Like he was looking at him going hey whats that, or I have one of But we didnt get one pic or one look at their faces. So they had to reschedule us yet again, this time for next week. Now I have 3 appts next week. OB appt., MFM appt., and another ultrasound appt. We had a long day. And poor Jack was only suppose to take a couple hours off from work this am and ended up having to take the whole day off and then it turned out to be a failure anyways. So that was my fun and exciting day! Thanks for reading =)

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